
Friday, September 7, 2012

Insta Friday

I'm linking up to { Insta Friday! }

Because things have been so cra-cra around here, I can't even get my *brain* organized enough to come up with an entire blog post.  In fact, it's so crazy around here, I haven't even had time to plan our family's next 'Crazy Family Reunion in Disney.'  Now, let's face it.  If I'm too busy to plan a trip to Disney, that's just plain too busy.  Priorities people, priorities.  :-)

So here's a few pictures of our normal (nutso) routine for you to view, while I
try to put my life back togethercatch up.

Playing football with Papa on Labor Day weekend:

Lunches.  Story of my life:

Do you ever feel like a sherpa when packing/ unpacking your car for/ from school/ ballet/ football/ choir/ dance, etc???  Really?  Just me?  Huh.

Coffee.  You are my friend.

I've started doing the shopping here for our local 'backpack program' (where we send students at risk for hunger home with weekend supplies of food.)  When I took on this task, they told me it was kind of like shopping at TJ Maxx or Marshall's - you never know what you'll find and the more often you go, the more likely you are to find something useful for the backpack ministry.  I love a challenge!  Considering the help it provides, I'm pretty sure it's the best 2 hours I spend all week.  So nice to know - at least once in a while - that I'm walking the path that has been set before me.:

Cupcakes for ML's teacher's b-day:

 Ta Da! (ish - Ta - daish?):

Homework on the run.  Isn't it nice when they're in that 'homework honeymoon' phase of Kindergarten and looooove doing their homework?

And finally - football, football, football!

Happy Weekend!

life rearranged


Melodee said...

cute blog, your newest follower! love the cupcakes:)