
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A day in the life....

I've seen the 'a day in the life' posts before and I've always considered doing one.......  Now that ML is in full day Kindergarten, everyone is asking - "What are you going to do all day?"  So yesterday, I thought I'd document my day (to the best of my ability.)

So here's what I did all day Tuesday:

I got up (I usually get up sometime between 6:30 and 7:15 - late riser I know, but we're also late goer to beders.  :-)  I pulled on some breakfast clothes and helped make breakfast for ML (JR had already eaten.)  I packed ML's lunch:

 I had packed JR's lunch the previous afternoon.  Then it was time to help ML get dressed (her blouse and jumper button/ zip in the back,) do her hair and get her out the door:
 Big Daddy was taking her to school yesterday because I had 2 appointments (one of which involved JR) in the early morning.
I made coffee:

 Then I took a quick shower, got dressed and we were out the door by 8 to take KK to the vet:
 We got to the vet at 8:15, we waited for 30 minutes, but still no vet (she was running late) so we had to leave without seeing the vet, because JR had an appointment at 9:15.

We dropped off the dog at home and headed to JR's dermatologist's appointment.  We had to wait and hour in the waiting room before we were taken back to one of the dermatologists exam rooms. Luckily there was an aquarium with an eel:

 After another 45 minutes at the dermatologist, I dropped JR off at school.  Then I had to head to the Dollar Tree to pick up some things for ML's & JR's class pep rally on Friday:

I took a picture of the construction things in the store for a friend, who I am helping with a construction themed dinner being held on Friday.  I thought some of these things might be cute for decorations!

 By now, it was past 11 and I still hadn't had anything but coffee.  So I ran through the Chick Fil A drive through.  Yum.

 I met Big Daddy at the bank.  I've lost my debit card, so Big Daddy got some cash for me.

 Then it was on to Target for some groceries.  We were out of bread and fruit - two staples in our house!


 Then I ran into Publix for milk and eggs (I know...... I was just at Target, but for some reason we like milk and eggs from Publix better.  Plus it only took 15 minutes to run in and out of Publix.)
Put the groceries away:

 Start some laundry, only to discover the cat has done something SUPER gross on the laundry room rug.  So. Gross.  Turns out *someone*, who will not be named, forgot to clean out the litter box.  So gross.  Sigh.  So clean that up, start the laundry (with yet another load waiting behind it now!  Yay!)

 And then it was time to take my vitamins that I forgot in the craziness of the morning:

I needed to do my Bible Study.  Our church has issued a Bible study challenge and the whole church is doing the E100 plan, including my 9th grade girls, so I need to keep up!  (Not that I don't need to do this everyday anyway!  :-)

 Then I needed to gather all the snacks, water, gatorade, pads, clothing, shoes, etc needed for JR's football pictures and football practice and for ML's ballet class.

3 bags of clothing, shoes, hair supplies, etc:

 Then it was off to carpool to pick up both kids.  Drove JR to the football picture location, where both kids changed in the bathroom into their after school clothes.  Both JR and ML take for-evah to change clothes, so 30 minutes later we emerged!
I gave JR his filled out photo order form, his check and his practice clothes and checked in with the mom who said she would keep an eye on JR for me while I took:
ML to ballet!:

 Took ML to ballet and near the end of ballet got the call that JR's practice had been canceled, so he was going home with a friend.  Got ML from Ballet, picked up JR from the friend's house and took JR to community chorus.

Community chorus ended at 6:15 and we headed home so I could make:

And then homework:

And then to bed with everyone.  After teeth brushing and bathing and tucking in, I decided to make some banana bread for Big Daddy's B-day breakfast the next morning:
 I still use the sweetest little recipe JR got at a Curious George themed birthday party, held by my dear friend,  years ago.

While the bread was baking, laundry:

And then to glue ML's 'homework' (a collage of things you collect while camping - brought to you by their study of the letter 'c'):

And decorate for Big Daddy's Birthday breakfast this morning:

Then I made today's lunches and water bottles and snacks, packed up everyone's bags and got ready for bed.
And after a little more laundry and some reading/ computer time - it was time for bed and getting ready to do it all again!

And THAT is what I do all day!  :-)